Conventional international abbreviations

Major abbreviations for linear transportation between ports:

  • FICY – Free in/Container yard (no loading at the port - up to a container terminal);
  • FILO – Free in/Liner out (loading paid by the sender, unloading paid by the line);
  • FIOS / FIFO – Free in/out (loading and unloading paid by the sender);
  • LI-Door – Liner in / Door (loading at the port paid by the line - the "door" paid by the client).
  • LIFO – Liner in/Free out (loading paid by the line, unloading paid by the sender);
  • LILO – Liner in/out (loading and unloading paid by the line - full linear conditions);
  • FCL - Full Container Load - full container load by one consignor to one consignee;
  • LCL - Less Container Loading - loading by one sender with its subsequent delivery to various recipients, general cargo.
  • LI - Last In - forwarder provides the following services, which cost is included in the freight rate: removal of the container of the vehicle (car, train), accommodation at the terminal (CY), loading to a ship.
  • LO - Last Out - forwarder provides the following services, which cost is included in the freight rate: unloading from the ship, placing the terminal (CY), loading of the vehicle (car, train).

Adjustments to the rate of a specific line or port:

  • BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) –indexed changes in fuel prices;
  • BFR – marine freight
  • CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) – exchange rate fluctuations;
  • CUC (Chassis Using Charge) – fee for use of the chassis;
  • Documentation Fee – fee for the registration of documents;
  • PSS Peak Season Surcharge – in summer-autumn period is introduced PSS due to the increasing volume of freights;
  • WNS Winter Surcharge – surcharge for wiring in the ice freezing ports (for example, Saint-Petersburg) - is introduced, as a rule, from 1. December to 31. March, etc.
  • Wharfage – port fees


  • ALL IN - All Inclusive - means that the cost of carriage includes all additional fees, provided by the conditions of carriage;
  • BAS Base Rate – main, base rate;
  • CUC (Chassis Using Charge) – chassis using charge;
  • DDF Documentation Fee - Destination - fee for paperwork and other in the port of destination;
  • DOCS (documentation) - fee for the registration of documents;
  • EMF Equipment Management Fee – equipment management fee;
  • ERS Emergency Risk Surcharge – emergency risk surcharge;
  • IHE Export Inland Rate – export inland rate;
  • ISPS - fee for the security in the port;
  • ODF Documentation Fee - Origin - fee for paperwork and other in the country of origin;
  • OHC Handling Charge - Origin - the costs of unloading at the port of origin;
  • ORC - Origin receiving charges - the official fee of the province in China.
  • OTA Transport Arbitrary - Origin - incidental travel expenses at the port of origin;
  • PAE Port Additionals / Port Dues - Export - additional export duties in port;
  • PSI Port Security Charge - Import - security costs at the port for import;
  • SER Carrier Security Charge - security costs of cargo while in transit;


  • BL -Bill of Lading – bill of lading;
  • CC - Customs Clearance - Customs procedure for export or import goods;
  • CFS - Container Freight Station – consolidation warehouse;
  • CGO – Cargo – cargo;
  • CNEE – Consignee - the person who receives the cargo at the destination;
  • CNTR – Container - standard-size container;
  • COC (Сarrier's Оwned Container) - container is owned by the carrier, the cost of container is included in the charter;
  • CY- Container Yard – container yard;
  • DC - Dry Container – dry container – type of the container;
  • DIM – Dimentions – dimentions;
  • DHC Handling Charge - Destination – the costs of unloading at the port of destination;
  • DTA Transport Arbitrary - Destination - incidental travel expenses at the port of destination;
  • ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) – estimated time of departure;
  • ETA (Estimeted Time of Arrival) – estimated time of arrival;
  • EX1 - Export Declaration – export declaration.
  • HBL - House Bill of Lading – house bill of lading (for “from door to door” transportation).
  • INV. - Commercial Invoice - Account created by the seller and is used to specify the value of goods for various purposes.
  • LT - Local Time – local time.
  • Manifest - A document describing all the cargo of the ship.
  • MBL - Master Bill of Lading – master bill of lading.
  • MV - Mother Vessel - Linear large-vessel, serving the ports with a large turnover.
  • NVOCC - The carrier, which owns a certain amount of cargo space on the ship, which he does not own or control, has the right edition of Board Bill of Lading.
  • OBL - Ocean Bill of Lading – ocean bill of lading.
  • PACK - Packing List – packing list.
  • POL (Port of Loading) – port of loading;
  • POD (Port of Delivery) – port of destination;
  • SEA (seafreight), O/F(oceanfreight) – marine freight;
  • SOC (Shipper's Owned Container) – container is owned by the client;
  • T/T - Transit Time – transit time of the transportation.
  • TEU - Twentyfeets Equivslent Unit - The equivalent of twenty-foot container.
  • THC (Terminal Handling Charges) - terminal handling cargo: loading / unloading from a ship, moving in the stack, nomination for production work, etc.