

Certification - is the activity of a third party, independent from both the manufacturer (seller) and from consumer products to confirm the conformity of production. In a market economy certification is an effective tool to ensure compliance with product safety requirements and the necessary quality. In Russia the certification is carried out in accordance with Federal law "About certification of products and services."

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation approved a list of products that require a confirmation of the compulsory certification at release on customs territory. Thus, a number of types of products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation shall be subject to mandatory certification. When exporting goods from Russia to other countries you may also require its certification according to international standards.

Our company offers a full range of services on registration certificates and registration reports. With this you can save significant time and money when implementing the transport of goods through Russian customs terminals. The specialists of the company VTO-ARCUS OU will assume all the obligations to obtain and provide to the customs authorities of the Russian Federation of the certificates, opinions and other necessary documents.