Customs clearance of cargo


Mandatory part of any international carriage of cargo is a customs clearance. Independent speed and reliability of cargo delivery to the recipient depends on how well and efficiently customs clearance is conducted. Fast and high quality customs clearance with minimal cost to the customer requires significant knowledge of the customs legislation of various countries, the effective interaction between experts of the transport company with the customs authorities, as well as individual approach to the design documents for each individual shipment.

One of the main components of the customs clearance is the so-called clearance. This set of measures for customs clearance and payment of customs duties when the goods and vehicles across the customs border. "Cleaning" of the customs formalities is to implement all the requirements stipulated by customs regulations regarding the shipment of the order of its import / export to / from the territory of the state. Each time the implementation of the international carriage of goods through the customs border there is a need for customs clearance.

Our company VTO-ARCUS OU is ready to offer its clients a full range of services for the unhindered passage of cargo clearance and delivery of the necessary documents that meet the requirements of Customs. The efficiency of customs clearance is achieved through close collaboration of our highly qualified professionals with the customs authorities.

The list of services on customs clearance of goods, provided by the company VTO-ARCUS OU, includes:

  • Professional assistance in preparing the documents required by customs authorities;
  • Expert advice on all thematic issues relating to customs laws or foreign economic activity;
  • Maintenance of foreign trade transactions;
  • Services of registration of customs and transport documents;
  • Optimization of customs clearance of goods;
  • Definition of the code of goods and rapid calculation of customs duties.
  • Customs clearance of import / export goods in the Russian customs authorities, as well as the customs authorities of the EU;
  • Assistance in the preparation and conclusion of foreign trade contracts, passports transactions, invoices and specifications.

Thus, experienced specialists from VTO-ARCUS OU, with extensive experience in international transportation and customs clearance of goods, are ready to assist you with prompt and timely clearance of transported goods. High-quality and reliable services for customs clearance of goods based on excellent knowledge of the subtleties of the customs legislation of different countries, will allow customers of the VTO-ARCUS OU to be ensured with the prompt delivery of their goods directly to the recipient.