Multimodal freight


Every day large manufacturers, small businesses, and individuals are faced with the need to transport goods. Transport companies, considering the clients' requests, take into account the specifics of each journey, choosing the most effective delivery method. Very often, to achieve economic benefits can only be using different modes of transport. This method of delivery is called multimodal.

When organizing multimodal freight used rail, air, water and road transport. As a rule, delivery of different modes of transport can not do without cars. This is due to the need to transport goods to the railway station, airport or water port. In addition, often much more profitable part of the distance, for example, transport by sea, and the other part of the way is by rail, but in any case can not do without cars.

Multimodal freight must register the same document, which provides for delivery of selected modes of transport. It should be noted that the competent preparation of supporting documents is one of the most complex components of the multimodal transport. This duty is taken by the operators of the delivery, who are organizing a multimodal freight.

To ensure the reliability of the delivery process the multimodal freight must be seen as a one way of transportation, where there is only one company responsible for a carriage. Carrier not only takes responsibility for arranging transportation, but also for the conduct of all related processes, including loading and unloading operations at the start and end points of the route, and loading operations during the transition from one vehicle to another. Thus, often in the multimodal transportation are used containers that not only facilitate the handling, but also ensure the safety of the cargo.

Multimodal freight is very popular way of delivery. Namely multimodal freights are flexible with their options of route selection. Using different methods of delivery can significantly reduce time and cost of transportation. Each segment of the path using the various modes of transport carefully worked out by managers in logistics. Each mixed transportation uses an individual approach.

Multimodal freights make it possible to develop a transport scheme that is suitable specifically for you. We will be able to transport any cargo absolutely anywhere in the world, performing with the requirements for the timing and financial costs.

To implement multimodal freight quickly and accurately is allowed for VTO-ARCUS OU by long-term partnerships with major aviation, marine, rail and truck carriers. Our company offers the most advantageous combination of different modes of transport, as well as a full range of services for the implementation of international freight (assistance in the design of the required documents, insurance, freight, etc.).