Rail freight


Rail freight are becoming more common these days. Rail freight plays an important role in the development of all sectors of infrastructure. Companies that use rail freight significantly save on transportation costs.
The greatest positive quality of rail freight - cargo can be delivered almost anywhere due to the development of the railways. And the cost of such transportation will be much cheaper compared to car trucking.

With rail freight it is possible to select the container in which cargo is transported. Containers can be: covered gondolas, platforms, tanks. You can also choose a special tank for your cargo: flour, alcohol, cement and various other substances. There are also special platforms for transportation of vehicles. You can carry any cargo: liquid, loose. You can also order the container transportation. Container transportation is most common, because it has a standard size and can carry cargo not only by rail.

The cost of rail freight compared with car trucking is much smaller. In addition, there is no risk of a forced stop by various agencies and inspectorates. Accidents and damages are also minimized.

If you are involved in transportation of the forest, the rail freight will be the most cost-effective type of transportation for you.
However, rail freight can be inconvenient due to the fact that not all towns have a railway station. And it is a big problem in its way. In such cases, we have to spend extra time and money on reloading of cargo in motor vehicles and delivery to the designated location on the cars. Rail freight can be complicated because of different legal relationships in different countries. Technologies of delivery may also differ. This complexity is usually solved by means companies establishing good foreign relations. Also do not forget the fact that the transport of fragile cargo and commodities that have a small shelf life using the railroad is simply impossible.

Our company VTO-ARCUS OU carries railway container transportation from the port of Muuga (Estonia) in Russia and CIS countries.

Transportation of cargo by rail in our company always takes into account all the demands and wishes of the customer. We develop a scheme for each individual transportation, thus excluding the extra time and money of our clients.