
For successful cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, it is necessary to know several important rules for paperwork by the Chinese side, as well as business methods, but, of course, the people mentality living in this huge country.

The SOLLERTA has prepared for you some basic tips for cooperation with Chinese partners, which are based on the company's own experience, and therefore are practical and very valuable.

Tip 1. Search for a manufacturer in China

The least expensive way to find partners is the Internet. You can also search most expensively - using various directories, international exhibitions. But the most effective way is to find partners in China through representatives in China. The SOLLERTA can always become such a representative for you.

Tip 2. Manufacturers selection in China

After you have made the first contact with a potential partner, try to collect as much information as possible about it and its activities:

the factory location;

quality certificates availability;

whether the company has a license;

the ability to provide recommendations from well-known companies.

Visit the factory in person to eliminate intermediaries in your business. If this is not possible, then in China you will need a person or a company that will represent your interests: visit factories and check the goods' quality. This approach will save you from bad deals and will not be too costly. Moreover, the SOLLERTA has ample opportunities to represent your interests in China.

Tip 3. Negotiations with a manufacturer in China

If you do not speak Chinese, be sure to use interpreter services. When visiting a factory, go through the goods' production all the stages.

The Chinese rarely say that they cannot do something or do not understand what they want from them, even if this is so. Be vigilant: a lost look, an answer far from reality, silence - all these are uncertainty signs in your words.

Tip 4. Goods production and shipment from China

Be sure to visit the factory during the goods' manufacture, or use the SOLLERTA inspection services. This will speed up preparing your order process for shipment and be aware of what stage it is at.

Tip 5. Сooperation development with partners in China

Having established long-term relationships with Chinese partners, you can always count on bonuses and concessions from their side. Remember to ask them for such concessions. And try to forge friendly relations with worthy manufacturers, and also undoubtedly part with those suppliers who have let you down at least once.