Dual-use goods

Often, many Russian exporters face a problem related to the seemingly ordinary goods used in everyday life export. It is impossible to understand whether a product is a controlled product without special technical knowledge about the product. In the Russian Federation, goods subject to export control are:

  • Dual-use goods;
  • Military goods:
  • Civilian arms
  • Cryptographic tools.

It is important that dual-use products can include goods that are freely used in everyday life.

Dual-use goods are goods and technologies used for peaceful purposes, but which, according to their characteristics, can be used in the mass destruction weapons' various kinds' creation. These include:

  • Certain raw materials and materials types;
  • Equipment;
  • Techniques
  • Scientific and technical information.

The controlled products range and, in particular, dual-use goods are defined in special lists. Goods list with the corresponding EAEU goods nomenclature subject to foreign trade codes are publicly available on the FSTEC RF (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) website. Conducting foreign trade operations with these goods provides for a licence or a special permit provision to the customs authorities.

Are the products classified as dual-use goods?

Before starting customs' clearance, the exporter needs to check whether his goods are on the controlled products lists. The unambiguous assignment of goods to dual-use products is carried out when two characteristics coincide:

  • The same EAEU goods nomenclature subject to foreign trade code;
  • The goods specific characteristics are the same;

In this case, the exporter must apply to the licensed body to obtain permits and submit the following documents:

  • Application for a licence (issued to the FSTEC of Russia First Deputy Director;
  • Technical documents, product descriptions and scope;
  • Копия контракта с иностранным покупателем;
  • Constituent documents copies;
  • The goods recipient data and his written commitment regarding the goods use.

The maximum period for processing an application and issuing an export licence can be up to 45 days. In practice, the entire procedure for obtaining a licence takes at least a month, so you should familiarize yourself in advance with the product characteristics and the requirements for exporting it.

Only the EAEU HS code matches
Even if a product code is included in the controlled products list, it is not a fact that it is. In this case, the exporter needs to obtain the FSTEC conclusion. This document is one-time and is issued by an expert organization after an identification examination. Such an examination determines and confirms whether the products belong to dual-use goods.

Documents for obtaining an independent identification examination conclusion
To obtain an opinion, an exporter must contact an organization accredited to conduct identification examinations of goods and technologies to exercise export control and submit the following documents:

Export documents, including contract and invoice;
Documentation according to which the goods were produced;
Technical documentation, passports, drawings for the goods, which give the product a complete picture;
Instruction materials about the product provided to the foreign buyer;
Buyer's letter on the goods used in their activities;
Exporter's constituent documents.
The SOLLERTA company provides services for the goods' export, our customs clearance specialist will accurately determine the product code under the EAEU goods nomenclature subject to foreign trade and establish your goods export specifics. We will give a detailed consultation and assist in obtaining the necessary permits.